- а почему нельзя фотографировать?!
- потому что в аэропорту нигде нельзя снимать и это не только у нас, а во всех аэропортах мира снимать нельзя.
Вот такой кадр:

После такого ответа я решил не продолжать дискуссию и попросил у сотрудницы за стойкой регистрации ее визитку, представился, сказал, что обращусь за разъяснением в customer service и опубликую ответ в блоге. На этом и разошлись.
Естественно, в службе поддержки извинились, сказали что да, в аэропорту есть зоны, в которых снимать нельзя, но в целом снимай почти везде. Также предоставили пасс в бизнес-лонж во время моего следующего путешествия через Франкфурт. Мой вопрос и ответ под катом.
Мое письмо:
Dear Frankfurt Airport staff,
I'd like to share my negative experience happened on Sunday 15Dec around 17.00 in area Z near Lufthansa Business Lounge.
I've found very interesting to use Christmas images on the service counter display and supposed to take picture of it for private use. However lady Mrs.****** very aggressively told me that "Do not take photo! Photography is not allowed anywhere in the airport. This is international rule, photo is not allowed in all airports in the world".
Obviously I strongly disagree with her, I took picture (attached) and asked for her business card (attached as well). I've told her that this story will lead to the complaints.
I took numerous pictures in your wonderful airport, wrote several articles about Frankfurt Airport and Lufthansa. Could you please re-train this very aggressive lady in terms and conditions of photography in public places in Frankfurt Airport.
I'm looking for your response!
Thanks in advance.
Ответ службы поддержки:
Dear Mr. Cheban,
We thank you for reporting the behaviour irregularity that you did experience at the airport in Frankfurt on 15 December. Our colleagues from the Airport forwarded this issue to us.
We sincerely regret that you had this unfortunate experience regarding the restriction to take photos at the airport from one of our employees there. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience you experienced.
We completely understand your annoyance with the situation that you commented. Event though, taking pictures at the airport could be restricted in some areas due to security reasons mostly, this correspond to the authorities of the airports to indicate where these limitations must be observed. Naturally, the behavior that you described from our agent does not correspond to the image of a customer-oriented quality airline and is therefore not acceptable. We are very sorry that you gained such a negative impression.
We have issued a report of your comment. The details of this have been documented for internal review with our Staff Management Department in Frankfurt. Your feedback is very important to us as it help us to find the areas that we need to concentrate on more and implement ways to improve any shortcomings. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experiences with us.
Despite this recent experience we hope that you will put your trust in Lufthansa in the future; we assure you that we will do everything we can to make sure your travel experiences run smoothly.
Yours sincerely,
Juan José Reséndiz Chàvez
Lufthansa German Airlines
Customer Feedback
Ссылки по теме:
- "Трансаэро" разрешает снимать на борту своих самолетов, действия авиакомпании после моего обращения.
- "ЮТэйр" разрешает фотографировать на борту своих самолетов!
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